Jumat, 19 April 2019


Dayta My Data, My Choice - Store, Manage and Share access to your personal information for a profit.

A block-based platform that helps users manage, store and share access to users' personal information and information so that users can get more profit. It was observed that most data companies always share data and get approval from data owners. Companies have data to other companies, companies have actual data owners, which are often disrupted users and customers.
Having users and customers who control their data makes it easy to track their account information and find out when their data is accessed and sold on the central platform. For this reason, a centralized platform is struggling with issues of trust and transparency.
They have access to data and data, their game owners, and therefore revoke access to user data. The platform has been identified by the DAYTA platform, which is why they are implementing a block-based remote platform that gives users access and full control over their data. The benefit of the DAYTA platform is that users can sell their data or not.
User data is one of the greatest assets in human life, and customers will not find data without their consent. do they want to sell their data or not. User data is one of the greatest assets in human life, and customers will not find data without their consent. do they want to sell their data or not.
User data is one of the greatest assets in human life, and customers will not find data without their consent.

Why Dayta?

1. Get benefits from your personal data
Dayta allows users to participate in marketing, analysis of customer behavior and insights.

2. Blockchain Infrastructure
Users, companies and miners have an independent role but are interrelated, supported by Dayta Blockchain and managed by DAYTA tokens.

3. DSGVO and data protection
DSDPR-capable design to ensure that users can easily manage and benefit from their data worldwide.

Blockchain, privacy and personal information

The problem of data integrity in personal data is a problem for professionals and privacy innovators. While Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency use blocks to keep records of exchange rates, the desire to add data is to improve public relations and regulatory compliance issues.

Blockchain as an authentication method
Because Equifax and similar chains are safer authentication methods. While companies like Equifax store and manage personal data on servers that are controlled by them, there are many try to anchor the principles of self-reliance on blockchain, where individuals can access and control their identifiers, then use them as authentication tools used to store them themselves. If each user is the only user on the blockchain who can access their data, the only point of failure is found in a centralized system and the risk of serious violations of personal data is eliminated.

New companies from Microsoft and IBM, to projects such as Hyperlinks and other companies such as Civic, TrustedKey, Uport, and SelfKey.

The blockchain as a data storage method
Blockchain data storage is a case of other users of personal data where user data is stored on the blockchain. This data, which is used to store or service customers through additional services, is the same as data for identification purposes. However, the scope of the data provided can include anything related to the individual and the subject of data collection, storage and management of personal data. Projects such as Storj, File Coin, and Sia are the user's personal data in a distributed led data center with available disk space and even the user's personal disk space.
The blockchain technology is characterized by its eternity (ie irreversible). This causes problems according to KYC (Know Your Customer) and GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations) requirements, so customers can manage their personal data and changes.
The distributed nature of the blockchain means that personal data is replicated in a large number of nodes in a wide network. This increases the likelihood of injury, although it is likely to be due to lower encryption.
The Blockchain Node can exist throughout the world, creating legal privacy issues for citizens who are protected by privacy laws. A good example is GDPR, where all data is related to the subject being referred to as the EU is not protected, wherever the data is processed in the world.
Responsibility for the protection of personal data may exist for individuals, which can be burdensome to users, which can result in loss of access to the personal data of the appropriate private key.

The blockchain as a data reference method
The safest way to store personal information to reduce the risk of online attacks is to completely eliminate risk and store that information from chains and from the internet. Although this might seem impossible, reference data can be stored on the blockchain which is directly related to personal information. For example, retailers who want to extend their marketing campaigns may be satisfied to know that real users are present in the service that ensure these qualifications, exchange demographic data related to individual online chains, but ensure personal privacy Data is outside the chain.
Dayta wants users to share all their personal information with the company. A user concludes a favorable agreement with the block chain with personal data shared directly or with reference data. The company in question knows that users are verified as unique and marketable. All personal information will be processed or terminated by the company.
It will be needed to ensure that we move beyond simple centralized debates and data storage, and the decentralization of debates to debates, some of which must reduce or eliminate problems if make it possible.

Dayta Mobile Application
From integrating basic personal data to interacting with the Dayta market, Dayta Mobile will act as a one-stop shop for users to maintain and manage their personal information.

Private database & authentication
Agreement to trade data access
Summary & estimate of EXP
DAYTA Wallet Integration (deposit / withdrawal)
Dayta Marketplace

DAYTA Tokens will be available before public sales. Bonuses are valid for initial contributors, which vary by date and amount.

Private investors can negotiate bigger bonuses on a case-by-case basis.
Name of des Tokens: DAYTA
Token-Typ: ERC20
Investor Phase: February 2019 - April 2019
Number of chips sold: DAYTA 1,500,000,000.00
Pre-ICO: May 1, 2019 (12:05 am)

Token exchange rate:
1 ETH = 33750 DAYTA, 1 BTC = 961200 DAYTA
1 LTC = 14823 DAYTA, 1 DASH = 22005 DAYTA
ICO Public Sales: May 11, 2019 (12:05 noon)
Allowed currencies: ETH, BTC, LTC, DASH
Minimum transaction amount: 1 ETH / 0.1 BTC / 3 LTC / 2 DASH

Ico Bonus:
35% bonus before ICO
18% ICO bonus week 1
ICO 15% Bonus Week 2
ICO 10% Bonus Week 3
ICO 5% Bonus Week 4

30% is recorded by the Pre-ICO
30% of ICOs are assigned
20% for the core team and consultants
10% for partnerships
5% is a gift

50% is caused by technique
15% are assigned to surgery
15% is intended for marketing
10% is intended for business
5% for legal purposes
Associated with 5% security

Solve expensive projects and expensive problems. This platform is a prime example of meaningful and truly truly breakthrough for the future. With experienced team and excellent views, this is a serious project with a great chance of success .



For more information:
Author ; Melati21
Profile link ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1357963
ETH address ; 0x838d9F4750DFC63f9A75bdA335840C0A84aD3afc

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