Transcodium - The first decentralized transcoding platform
What is Transcodium? :
Transcodium is the first blockchain-based decentralized multimedia transcoding platform.
Transcoding is the process of converting a file format to another desirable and compatible format. Before your social media platform or streaming site like Youtube or Netflix offers you a video, you need to convert that video into multiple formats to support different devices such as smartphones, laptops and desktops, TVs and others. each of them has different abilities. Some videos may even fail on a slow Internet connection, this type of videos will also need to be converted to a lighter format for smooth streaming.
How Transcodium works:
Transcodium's unique algorithm will allow media files to be converted to supersonic speed by dividing large media files into very small pieces and then encrypted, compressed and sent to the workers (inactive devices) to be processed. Because of the lightness of each piece, these tasks will be transferred and processed at a very fast speed, even smartphones will be able to process them. The corners will be rewarded to any worker who completes his task before the deadline..
In the Transcodium road map is the wallet plan. The wallet is said to include a feature which would connect to exchanges, making token conversion easy for workers. I thought this was a nice add on. The Transcodium token (TNS) is an ERC20 standard token.

Why Transcodium is an interesting project:
Reasons why Transcodium is an interesting project for investors, startups and developers are:
Uniqueness of the project:
We are the first company to migrate from the cloud transcoding platform to the blockchain.
1. Very large market size: The transcoding and media distribution industry is growing very fast. Social networks are adding streaming capabilities to their platforms, on-demand streaming sites are replacing traditional TVs, news agencies are publishing news using audiovisual formats, ad networks are now broadcasting video and audio ads, and more 'other. All of the above mentioned services need to convert their media files to support multiple devices and that's where we come in.
2 .Less expensive, faster and reliable services: Our competitors (Google Cloud, Amazon Transcoder, Zencoding ..) are currently the cheap cloud platforms available, but we will be the cheapest and the fastest because of unlimited resources that our workers (miners) will provide, thus increasing the demand for our service causing a massive increase in the price of the token because according to the law of demand and supply, the highest demand, the highest price.
3. Limited corner offer: Our corner offer is set at $ 120 million, which is good news, because at, all corners and coins under 200 million are doing very well.
4. Business registration and verification of successful founders: All serious projects must first register a company and check all founders to prove their seriousness to their investors.
5. Existing Product: We have an existing product that we are migrating to blockchain, we are already experts in this field, our company has helped many companies such as in the field of transcoding and multimedia streaming.
6. The development has already started with our mobile miner app which includes wallet, exchange etc.
You can check the progress

Token TNS is an ether-based ERC-20 from Ethereum designed to work on the network Transcodium. The token will be the currency that will be used on the network. Total supply is 120 million TNS token and have 18 decimal. This is the fixed supply and will not be reduced or increased, the total supply of decision done by the team and founder of Transcodium. A limited supply will help improve the quality of our currency. Transkoding industries has a very large market, so that the limited supply of coins is a great advantage for investors and marketers in the near future.
Transcodium will raise funds for development projects, payment of salaries and the cost of the future using crowdfunding. This will help speed up development and also enable team work filled with total commitment. During the crowdfunding, participants will be given a token TNS after they make a payment. How the payout using Bitcoin, Ethereum or Litecoin. TNS token can be used on our platform after project ready and within production. Also, the holder of the token TNS can sell them to users who require token for processing files on our platform.
Pre-sales will begin January 7, 2018 and ending on 31 March 2018. During this period, early investors will get a 30% discount with 5,710,000 the first token will be sold. For tokens that are not sold after pre sale will be moved to the ICO’s sales and will have bonus rules in accordance with the ICO. In addition, all tokens that have not sold after the sale of the ICO will be retained to support the company in the long term.
Fund Participants or Investors will be returned if the minimum target is not reached after ICO. Smart contracts will handle all operations refund to participants who contribute using the ethereum, which in addition to ethereum, we will send you a refundby hand to the address we use to receive those funds.
The token stored for team members will be locked until 3 months after the sale of the ICO. In addition, team members will only receive 25% of the token after an interval of 3 months.
Sale Token.
Token name: TNS
Pre Sale: 07/01/2018 00:00 28/02/2018 00:00 up UTC UTC
For sale: 86.4 million TOTAL NETWORK SOLUTIONS
Emission levels: no new token to be created
Currencies accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC
The minimum goal: $500,000 USD
Goal: maximum $30 million USD
Price: 1 Token TNS = $0.376 USD.
Token name: TNS
Pre Sale: 07/01/2018 00:00 28/02/2018 00:00 up UTC UTC
For sale: 86.4 million TOTAL NETWORK SOLUTIONS
Emission levels: no new token to be created
Currencies accepted: ETH, BTC, LTC
The minimum goal: $500,000 USD
Goal: maximum $30 million USD
Price: 1 Token TNS = $0.376 USD.
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