What is URunIt?
URunIt is a gaming platform operated by the community, where players are under full control, become owners of all games and receive most of the profits. so this is a very unique project that will change the gambling business because of its transparent transactions that will make it suitable for everyone.
Assignment of URunIt
URunIt aims to change the basic principle of casino operations with blockchain technology, creating an entirely new type of casino, a casino operated by players who accept all matches. In other words, indeed all games, card tables, poker rooms, tournaments, slot machines, lotteries, etc. In this casino are controlled by the players themselves.
How does URunIt work?
Players control everything on platforms where players define tournaments with games or hosts that accept them, and game owners are not only controlled, but also moderators. where at the end of the period the owners of the games receive most of the profits received, as well as the more users play, the higher the rates, the higher the rating. And the higher the player's rating, the greater the likelihood that he must be the owner of the game.
Gambling Market
Betting business sector has been developing quite a long time. In mid 2017 betting business sector was worth $360 billion with $44.16 billion in web based recreations. Before the finish of 2017, the web based betting business sector expanded to $47.4 billion. As per H2 Gambling Capital, piece of the overall industry of internet recreations will keep on growing assuming control the vast majority of the disconnected market. By 2022 web based betting business sector will grow up to an amazing measure of $81.7 billion.
Gambling business sector issues
Time passes by, advancements change, yet the fundamental guideline in the realm of betting continues as before: players go to the gambling club and spend their cash seeking after a speedy win.The issue is that by far most of players lose and don't have even a scarcest opportunity to influence crafted by the clubhouse in any capacity. Thus, the diversion rules, and also the guidelines of lead for the players are resolved totally by the gambling club that strips the players to the string, and gets its super-benefits from them. The players are just money dairy animals. Signs on the scenes, extra projects and advancements may change, yet any gambling club still works by a similar vital. Accordingly, betting business sector (counting on the web) is loaded with relatively indistinguishable gambling clubs that gives the gamers definitely no decision as the greater part of the clubhouse appear to be identical.
In this manner, the key issues of the market are:
- in view of our overviews, club clients are extremely bold individuals who are always searching for activity and oddity; they get exhausted rapidly, and are compelled to move starting with one clubhouse then onto the next continually searching for something else
- it is extremely troublesome for the club to draw in new players, and they are compelled to spend huge piece of the benefits on promoting, rewards, associate projects and different contrivances to pull in clients
- regardless of how much cash gambling club spends to keep clients for whatever length of time that conceivable, it doesn't work - clients essentially won't remain for long.
Betting business sector has clearly achieved the deadlock. Obviously, clubhouse endeavor to spend more cash, utilize new innovations, (for example, blockchain) and concoct new tricks to draw in and hold new clients, yet they are not exceptionally effective at it.
The main way out of this circumstance is to change the fundamental standards of the club task.
How is it conceivable? It's extremely straightforward. The arrangement is a totally new kind of gambling club, the clubhouse oversaw by the players, who have every one of the recreations. As such, totally all recreations, card tables, poker rooms, competitions, opening machines, lotteries, and so on in this gambling club are controlled by the players themselves. Each diversion is facilitated by a specific player. This player decides parameters of the amusement or competition he is facilitating and turns into the proprietor of the diversion for the present. Suppose, each amusement is rented to one of the players for an ostensible charge. It can be rented for 60 minutes, a day, seven days, or a month. Amid this rent, the proprietor of the diversion screens what is happening, as well as performs essential elements of an arbitrator. Toward the finish of this period, the proprietor of the diversion gets the vast majority of the benefit created amid his rent. A little offer of income will go to the club to cover the costs for the support of the stage, its further advancement, and in addition permit a little benefit for the proprietors.
Why you ought to pick URUNIT?
A long time of Experience
We have a solid group with every one of the aptitudes, mastery, and experience expected to dispatch the venture and market it effectively. U Run This is the peak of our aggregate exertion that joins the most proficient innovation created by our exceptionally proficient group.
Nobody has seen this previously
This is yet another club. This is a stage with another business idea in his heart. Club and betting stages (counting those in the improvement arrange) are way off the mark to what we offer.
The blossoms are astonishing
We are encountering huge enthusiasm for our stage. The two players and financial specialists are stunned by the brightness of the thought. We are over and over informed this is the eventual fate of the betting business.
Across the board arrangement
This is an across the board arrangement that covers each conceivable subsystem required on the board. No openings or regions are not shut. Actually, other gambling club suppliers will progress toward becoming U Run It clients acquiring our product to fill the void in their contributions.
The quantity of clients increments
In the following stage we will coordinate extra modules (which can not be uncovered now as this is business mystery) into the stage. This module is certain to explode the market, and we expect an intense development in the quantity of our clients.
Tokenholder Benefits

Symbol Token: URUN
Total Token Supply : 80,000,000
Crowdsale : Pre-sale
Token Price : 1 URUN = 0.00125 ETH
Hard Cap : 60,000,000 Tokens
Soft Cap : 9,000,000 Tokens
Pre ICO Starts : 2018-05-15
Pre ICO Ends : 2018-09-15
Distribution of Tokens


Leadership and consultation

For more information,please visit:
- WEBSITE ; https://www.urunit.io/
- WHITEPAPER ; https://www.urunit.io/docs/whitepaper_eng.pdf
- ANN ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=3396208
- TWITTER ; https://twitter.com/URUNIT_IO
- FACEBOOK ; https://www.facebook.com/urunit
- TELEGRAM ; https://t.me/urunit
Profile link ; https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=1357963
Email address ; parasite887@gmail.com
ETH address ; 0x838d9F4750DFC63f9A75bdA335840C0A84aD3afc
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