CCA — A unique project that unites the real sector and blockchain technology.
REVOLUTION IN THE WORLD OF THE COMPOSITE CYLINDER MARKET. Expensive technologies result in a high cost of the 4 types of cylinders. This leads to a significant reduction in the attractiveness for consumers. Our team has developed an exclusive technology that allows to provide high quality cylinders for a low cost, achieving in this way a “revolution” in the world of the market of composite cylinders. First of all, we are talking about a project with rapid amortization, moderate risks and a solid background of professional experience. The project team has experience and experience in the field of design and construction of composite materials and has everything necessary to implement the project.
Direct investments decentralized in the project will be made through the purchase of tokens. The funds raised will be used for the construction and launch of the production. The repurchase of tokens will start sometime after the fundraising ends. It will be assigned a monthly 30% to the reservation.
Advantages of type 4 cylinders:
• Lighter weight (comfort, high capacity, the possibility of placing it on the roof);
• destruction without destruction in a gas explosion;
• Lower maintenance costs;
• Free of corrosion.
Competitive advantages of CCA cylinders
• Lighter weight (comfort, high capacity, the possibility of placing it on the roof);
• destruction without destruction in a gas explosion;
• Lower maintenance costs;
• Free of corrosion.
Competitive advantages of CCA cylinders
The advantages of COMPOSITE CYLINDERS ADVANCED composite cylinders in
comparison with analog cylinders are:
• Low production cost (euro / l);
• Lighter weight compared to most analogues (l / kg);
• Low permeability to cylinder gases (coating);
• Vacuumize before refueling with gas;
• High cylinder filling speed.
comparison with analog cylinders are:
• Low production cost (euro / l);
• Lighter weight compared to most analogues (l / kg);
• Low permeability to cylinder gases (coating);
• Vacuumize before refueling with gas;
• High cylinder filling speed.
The CCA project does not plan to stop at a plant, but will build a complete network that will incorporate its innovative technology and production facilities. Token holders can convert them into real factory shares, which will be placed around the world. For the CCA tokens, you can buy the products of these plants.
Token holders have 3 exit scenarios:
• Convert CCA tokens into shares of production plants
• Purchase of composite cylinders
• Repurchase tokens in an intelligent contract:
• Convert CCA tokens into shares of production plants
• Purchase of composite cylinders
• Repurchase tokens in an intelligent contract:
• The price of the conversion in shares is based on the nominal price of the CCA card at $ 0.5.
• The purchase price is based on the nominal price of the CCA token at $ 0.2.
• 30% of the monthly payments will be assigned monthly. income to guarantee the exchange of the tokens of their holders in the repurchase.
• The purchase price is based on the nominal price of the CCA token at $ 0.2.
• 30% of the monthly payments will be assigned monthly. income to guarantee the exchange of the tokens of their holders in the repurchase.
Token details
• Token name: CCA
• Price: 1 CCA = 0.05 $
• Soft Cap: $ 5,000,000
• Hard Cap: $ 15,000,000
• Minimum contribution: 1 ETH
• Maximum contribution: 100 ETH
• Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, Fiat
• It is known that the following purses are compatible with the Ethereum tokens (ERC-20)
• Price: 1 CCA = 0.05 $
• Soft Cap: $ 5,000,000
• Hard Cap: $ 15,000,000
• Minimum contribution: 1 ETH
• Maximum contribution: 100 ETH
• Accepted currencies: ETH, BTC, Fiat
• It is known that the following purses are compatible with the Ethereum tokens (ERC-20)
Inverción en CC project is a promising investment in the development of a fast growing production with a high level of profitability and a minimum period of recovery of the investment!

2H 2017
Teamwork, development of Whitepaper, preparation of progress, approval of the financial structure of the project.
Teamwork, development of Whitepaper, preparation of progress, approval of the financial structure of the project.
1H 2018
Development of Smart-Contract, Pre-sale and Token-sale, material research Liner
Development of Smart-Contract, Pre-sale and Token-sale, material research Liner
2H 2018
Development of coating prototypes, design and engineering documentation, order and manufacture of software and equipment
Development of coating prototypes, design and engineering documentation, order and manufacture of software and equipment
1H 2019
Order of materials and components, Development of the prototype of cylinders, Conduct of certification tests
Order of materials and components, Development of the prototype of cylinders, Conduct of certification tests
2H 2019
Certification of cylinders by TUV, Production of cylinders in Europe, Start of the purchase of chips
Certification of cylinders by TUV, Production of cylinders in Europe, Start of the purchase of chips
1H 2020
Presentation of patent applications, Growth of production in Europe
Presentation of patent applications, Growth of production in Europe
2H 2020
Expansion of business in other markets, Sales of “turnkey” technology
Expansion of business in other markets, Sales of “turnkey” technology
1H 2021
Entering the North American markets Entering the Asian markets
Entering the North American markets Entering the Asian markets
2H 2021
Development of new technologies Development of new prototypes
Development of new technologies Development of new prototypes
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Telegram username : @Renyselwi
Ethereum : 0x838d9F4750DFC63f9A75bdA335840C0A84aD3afc
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