APA (All Public Art)
ALL PUBLIC ART uses the power of blockchain as a regulatory function. Our mission is part of a movement in technology called ‘regtech’ — the application of technology to the traditional regulatory functions of auditing, compliance, and market surveillance. The regulation of trade in the art market today can be replaced by blockchain’s ability to guarantee the validity of a transaction while confirming that the ownership of artwork and the identity records of artists are accurate and remain unaltered.
All Public Art (APA) is a platform that assists in the discovery of artwork in public spaces around the world. Along with discovery of public art it also provides a photo-sharing and e-commerce platform for public artists, street artists, businesses, and art organizations. They can post the exact location of their artworks and sell or purchase art related items.
On APA, you’ll be amazed by the original street artwork by street artists as well as contemporary work by public artists. If you discover a work of art on your own, you can capture the image of the artwork, be it paintings, graffiti, murals, modern art, contemporary art, creative art, fine art, abstract art, a mosaic piece or even an outdoor sculpture and post it with the details to share with the world. You can even post the images of public art that you have recently seen at an art museum so that you can share your experience with the art community. APA is a platform that also allows art organizations, enthusiasts in the art community and an art patrons to buy and sell paintings from contemporary artists.
How do you feel about the OUTLOOK of the global contemporary art market in 2017 ?
Blockchain technology offers great potential and is suited to the art market as it enables direct (peer-to-peer) services for the artists, sellers, collectors and consumers, while offering transparency of the sales. This will minimize the number of counterfeit artworks as well as intermediary price manipulation in the market.
● Support artists, sellers, collectors and consumers that trade art;
● Reduce counterfeit art in the market through modern identification methods and blockchain tracking technologies;
● Enable transparent, publicly auditable transactions between artists, sellers, collectors and consumers through blockchain technologies;
● Increase the quality of the trade process by eliminating the role of the intermediary;
● Leverage new and exciting technology to help artists;
● Connect the global community of people who love art.
All Public Art’s mobile app and website has been a success since its launch in 2015. Thanks to our ever-growing community of active users, great art has never been easier to find and share anywhere in the world. Great reviews from artists and art fans have continued to come in as we have continued to develop the app over the years. Follow people whose artistic taste you like, browse artworks, catch up on art news and find art events you can attend. Artists and art enthusiasts from all around the globe can be a part of our community by registering on the app or the website, AllPublicArt.com. The momentum we have gathered from all our members and the positive feedback has kept us striving to improve on our previous successes. There could not be a more perfect time for us to capitalize on this momentum and user base to implement our blockchain enabled, transparent, peer-to-peer marketplace.
The Vision
The primary objective and long term goal of All Public Art, is to have the AllPublicArt token be the go-to peer-to-peer trading tool in the art market. For that vision to be achieved in the art market, the All Public Art’s marketplace has been executed. The art market and blockchain technology will merge perfectly due to the combination of these fundamental features of the program:
With blockchain technology, the rules are autonomously proposed and communicated, therefore, the use of smart contracts enables the art buyer and seller to trust the technology instead of relying on one another or a third party to orchestrate the deal. This eliminates human error, potential business manipulation and uncertainty, while improving the efficiency of the process.
On the All Public Art blockchain, all of the transactions are public (not the identity of the buyers or sellers) and cannot be altered in any way once on the blockchain. This unique feature of blockchain technology ensures a conducive business environment for the artists, sellers, art collectors and the consumers involved.
When a transaction is created on the All Public Art blockchain it can be traced back to the exact address that it came from. Only the address of the transaction can be traced, therefore the buyers and sellers of the transaction should have no concerns with regards to their identity being at risk. Since the system allows for the address to be traced while the identity of the parties involved are protected, All Public Art’s blockchain is the perfect place for art collectors to privately purchase art while remaining confident in the security of the transaction. Also, Blockchain automatically includes a timestamp on each transaction, allowing the buyer or seller to confirm the exact time of the transaction.
The culture of wealthy collectors and art enthusiasts trusting intermediaries is prevalent in the art world, intermediaries would be paid exorbitant amounts to merely conduct the transaction. Auction houses, art galleries and art consultants have assisted and helped art buyers to make sound investment decisions and have contributed to the growth of the art market for years. Although the role of the intermediary has been a positive and powerful force in building the art market, many believe that decentralizing the art market from being dependent on intermediaries is a step forward in the right direction. Decentralization is the process of redistributing or dispersing functions, powers, people or things away from a central location or authority. This definition is perfectly suited to the art world and gives power back to the artists and art collectors by empowering each party to conduct their own transactions.
Artists rely on the support and help of people who believe in them. All Public Art has a vision of people sending artists AllPublicArt tokens as a means of support on All Public Art or other platforms. The token does not have to be used on All Public Art; it can be sent to an artist’s wallet if they provide their wallet’s information to their supporters or post its address on social media platforms, such as Twitter, Facebook or Instagram.
All Public Art’s disruptive model merges the most powerful features of blockchain technology with the art market to create a new service designed to have a lasting impact. In order to achieve a successful community of peer-to-peer trading, the All Public Art marketplace is in the process of being established. All Public Art is proud to present art collectors, art enthusiasts, consumers, artists and art sellers an opportunity to join All Public Art as we strive to contribute to moving the art market forward.
How It Works
Our primary objective and long term goal is peer to peer trading (P2P) in the art market. For that vision to be achieved in the art market, the All Public Art’s marketplace has been created. The art market and blockchain technology will seamlessly merge together due to the combination of the fundamental features of the program. There are four key components to the All Public Art trading process:

Artists, art collectors and anyone interested in engaging with the All Public Art community or APA’s services must register on the platform. After registering and creating a profile on AllPublicArt.com or in the mobile app, an artist may post artworks and art related items in exchange for APA tokens.

When artists and collectors register on All Public Art they will receive a unique ID which will be used to authenticate all their transactions on the blockchain. There will also be four options for Artwork Security:
• Unique ID with QR code
• Unique IDs embedded in tamper sensitive stickers and holographic stickers
• RFID chips (Radio Frequency Identification chips)
• Micro RFID chip in adhesive applied to the artwork

When an art collector finds an artwork that they want to trade tokens for, they may simply click on the “Acquire Artwork” button to initiate the trade with the artist. A smart contract associated with the trade will be coordinated with All Public Art’s API to document the details of the transaction on the Blockchain as well as transfer the APA tokens to a temporary address and lock them until the artwork is confirmed as received.

Shipping artwork can vary depending on the requirements of the transaction, therefore, All Public Art as provided artists and collectors with the following 2 shipping method options to choose from:
• Fine Art Shipping Affiliates for fine art
• Standard Shipping for small artwork and items
AllPublicArt (APA) Token Sale
When you participate in the token sale you will receive AllPublicArt tokens. The only cryptocurrency we accept in the token sale is Ethereum. A maximum of 800 million AllPublicArt tokens will be created. In the token sale, we will be selling no more than a total of 400,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens, worth a total of $20,000,000 (token sale cap). If a total of 400,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens are not issued before the end date of the token sale, the system will only issue the amount sold during the tokensale and it will burn the rest. After the token sale, 400 million APA tokens that are not being issued for the token sale will be minted. Of the 400 million APA tokens being minted after the token sale: 38% (152,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens) will be allocated for All Public Art team members, advisors, 2% (8,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens) will be allocated for token sale incentives and opportunities, and 60% (240,000,000 AllPublicArt tokens) will be reserved for platform incentives and partnerships with institutions and organizations in the art community during the Phase 2 (they will be locked for a period of 12 months after the end of the token sale).
How Funds Will Be Used
● 50% Development
● 25% Marketing & Sales
● 15% Operations
● 10% Legal
The pre-sale phase will run from January, 15 2018 to January, 21 2018.
The token sale phase will run from January 23, 2018 to February 18, 2018.
Road Map
Contact Information :
Phone and Email
Toll Free: +1 (877) 275–7011
Local: +1 (213) 283–2498
Website : http://www.AllPublicArt.com
Token Sale website : http://www.AllPublicArt.io
Medium : https://medium.com/@allpublicart
Facebook: https://Facebook.com/allpublicart
Twitter: https://twitter.com/allpublicart
Instagram: https://Instagram.com/allpublicart
Telegram : https://t.me/joinchat/G_xrCRB5DyRk58-dmGne6g
ANN Thread : https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=2618329
Author : Melati21
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